Audit & Assurance

Accounting by the Book. Perform with Trust.


Audits, reviews and compilations are more than just the means to an end. They are some of the most valuable tools your business can employ to ensure that your financial footing is sound. Financial statements and attestation reports can help you gain a high level of visibility into not only your company’s accounting, but also its performance over time.

You can uncover critical information through thoughtful analysis, and that lets you make educated decisions and seek out the right opportunities to benefit your business. With the use of the latest technology to augment deep knowledge, you’ll get answers you can rely on, whether you’re planning or presenting facts to lenders, buyers, or investors.

For clients with unique needs, we also provide complex audit, attest and agreed-upon procedures with our passion for responsive client service, you’ll receive all the benefits of working with a national firm, along with the personal attention.

Alrabia CPAs’ experienced assurance team includes a variety of specialists with in-depth knowledge to provide services that include:

Agreed-Upon Procedures

In an agreed-upon procedure engagement, the client requests that we, as independent auditors, conduct very specific procedures or tests on a business process. The procedures are agreed upon in advance and are designed to help third parties evaluate some aspect of the business. The nature of these engagements can vary widely and could range from performing calculations to looking at the procedures of work performed by others to inspection of certain types of transactions. At the conclusion, Alrabia CPAs issues a report that does not contain any opinions. Once you have considered the results, we are available to advise you.

Internal Audits

Internal auditing is an objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization’s operations. It can help an organization accomplish its strategic objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluating and improving the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes. Alrabia CPAs’ Internal Audit services help boards and senior executives better manage enterprise risks.

Internal Control Evaluations

Internal controls are essentially systems of checks and balances. These policies and procedures protect your assets and help ensure your accounting is accurate. Having strong controls in place is critical. Alrabia CPAs has the expertise to review your processes and procedures and evaluate them for efficiency and risk level. By looking at the roles and responsibilities of your team and how work is recorded and approved, we can ensure that management has the appropriate role in governing the business.

Audit, Reviews and Compilations

Financial statements are formal records of your business’ financial activities. They provide a clear picture of your company’s overall financial health and performance to interested parties, such as lenders or investors. No matter which level of assurance you need for your stakeholders, we can help. The assurance team assists with:

  • Audits

This is the highest level of financial statement review. They verify whether the information in the financial statement is materially correct and in conformance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) or other reporting frameworks. Generally, audits are performed at the request of third parties such as lenders and investors.

  • Reviews

Provide limited assurance your financial statements are materially correct and state that we are not aware of any material modifications that need to be made to bring them into compliance with IFRS or other reporting frameworks. As with financial statements and audits, reviews are conducted at the request of outside third parties.

  • Compilation reports
    Typically, these are performed when a higher level of service on the financial statements is not required. They state that the information in the financial statements is the representation of management and we have not expressed an opinion about the content.